Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD said that Nahdliyin's cool da'wah and being able to adjust people's needs is the key for Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) to be able to survive up to almost a century.

"For decades NU has succeeded in building Islam and Indonesia in harmony," said Mahfud on the sidelines of the 1st Century Nahdlatul Ulama Healthy Road activity with President Joko Widodo and PBNU General Chair Yahya Cholil Staquf quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 22.

According to Mahfud, the da'wah conveyed by Nahdliyin is always close to culture, so it can be accepted in people's lives.

"NU's da'wah is cool, getting closer to what is described as a culture of society, then given the spirit of Islam. That's why NU is getting bigger and accepted in people's lives," he explained.

On the one hand, he said, NU builds Islam and Indonesia in a harmonious manner. On the other hand, the organization also has challenges, namely the emergence of the anti-National Unitary Movement of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), for example, the transnational ideological movement, whether liberalism, capitalism, or Islamism, which wants to be forced into Indonesia.

"NU as one of the important pillars of the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the commitment of the Republic of Indonesia in the death toll must continue to grow in NU and remain strong," he said.

The former chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) also emphasized that as the largest Islamic community organization (ormas), NU must continue to carry out the Indonesian spirit in which Indonesia is considered a cosmopolitical state.

"NU as a congregation is dynamic, can always keep up with the times and even national political developments and participate in protecting it," said Mahfud.

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