JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) said that his party would return to be the committee as the steering committee and organizing committee for the implementation of Formula E in Jakarta in 2023.

Bamsoet revealed that IMI will be responsible for the technical racing and safety aspects of all participants during the Formula E event.

"If (Formula E) this will definitely steal the commitment because technically the holder of Formula E rights has submitted the technicality to IMI as the technical person in charge of safety and technical racing rather than Formula E," said the chairman of the MPR at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday, January 16.

At the 2022 Formula E event, former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan appointed IMI management as the Formula E committee. At that time, Bamsoet, who served as IMI General Chair, was appointed as Chairman of the Steering Committee Formula E.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee is the Secretary General of IMI Ahmad Sahroni who is also a member of the DPR, and the Vice President of Infrastructure and General Affairs OC Formula E is held by former Secretary General IMI Irawan Sucahyono.

So far, no committee has been determined for the electric car race. Bamsoet admitted that his party is waiting for instructions from PT Jakpro as the DKI BUMD that organizes Formula E.

"For the implementation, the committee is under Jakpro's authority," said Bamsoet.

On that occasion, Bamsoet also mentioned the costs of organizing Formula E this year. He emphasized that the source of the funds would not use the DKI Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD), but fully use sponsors.

"We agree that later the funds used for non-APBD Formula E must be fully private and sponsor," he explained.

For information, Formula E Operation (FEO) has included the schedule for the implementation of Formula E in Jakarta on June 3 and 4, 2023 in its race calendar.

In addition, the format of the event and the concept of the Jakarta E-Prix race is still in the brewing stage. What is clear, the transaction is Jakpro's business to business (B2B).

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