SIDOARJO - Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Juanda Sidoarjo, East Java said that a low pressure pattern had caused hot weather in parts of East Java in the past week. Head of BMKG Data and Information, Juanda Teguh Tri Susanto, in his statement in Surabaya, said the low pressure pattern deflected the wind widely.

"So, hampering the flow of wet air from Asia to the southern region of the equator, especially the East Java region," he said, quoted from Antara, Sunday, January 15. He said, currently it is still in the rainy season, but due to this disturbance it has resulted in heat during the past week. "Currently it is still a phase of the rainy season period. Only now there is still disruption," he said. He said, the public is also still advised to be aware of the potential for hydrometeorological natural disasters such as strong winds that occur in several areas in East Java.

"People can still access the information provided by BMKG through several available channels such as pages or several group conversations," he said.

His party also routinely issues early warnings to the public regarding weather changes in the East Java region. "Including the community can also get information about the high condition of sea waves," said Teguh Tri Susanto.

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