Regional Special Hospital (RSKD) Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, has mobilized psychiatrists to treat the treatment of Eny Sukaesi (59) who is suspected of having depression. Director of RSKD Duren Sawit, dr. Nikensari Koesrindartia said that Eny is currently undergoing treatment and assessment from a psychiatrist. " “ served well, consulted with a psychiatrist. Currently in medical treatment and assistance by psychiatrists," said Nikensari Koesrindartia in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, January 5. Eny was found by residents with his son living in a luxury house on Jalan Paron, Cakung, East Jakarta whose condition was not maintained and even the electricity was cut because it had been in arrears for a long time. Nikensari added that Eny's condition is currently improving since he was first taken to the Duren Sawit Hospital by the East Jakarta Social Sub-dept. of Supervision and Control Service (P3S) on December 30, 2022. "His last condition is better even so he still needs assistance so that Mrs. Eny can be more controlled," said Nikensari. Nikensari said that her party also provided health assistance to Tiko, who had been caring for Eny alone because he was abandoned by his father. "We have coordinated with the Cakung District Health Center to arrange the time," said Nikensari. Not only that, the East Jakarta City Government offered Tiko so that the mother can be handled at the Werdha Panti under the auspices of the DKI Jakarta Social Service. Head of the East Jakarta Social Sub-dept., Purwono, said that if Tiko allowed his party to be ready to facilitate Eny, he would be referred to the Werdha Panti in Cipayung District. “ We prepare everything, free of charge. The child may come to visit every day. No problem, said Purwono.

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