JAKARTA - The head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Lieutenant General Doni Monardo, revealed that the level of community discipline implementing health protocols, in this case wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands or 3M, has decreased in all areas.

Doni said that the decline in the discipline of this health protocol had triggered an increase in the number of active COVID-19 cases in the country.

"The level of public discipline in almost all regions has decreased. In early November, the level of obedience to wearing masks was around 86.17 percent, but in the following weeks it has decreased," he said, in a video conference in Jakarta, Thursday, December 24.

Then after the election it decreased to 84.93 percent. Until December 24, 2020, community discipline on health protocols has dropped to 80.34 percent

Meanwhile, obedience in maintaining distance and avoiding crowds was 81.87 percent on November 1, then on November 8, 80.62 percent, and November 15, 80.15 percent.

The peak of the decline occurred on November 22, 53.57 percent. Doni said, this is the lowest point. However, it rose again on November 29, 76.99 percent, December 6, 77.61 percent, and fell back to 76.87 percent today.

"This needs to be realized, the government cannot work alone. It needs a massive movement involving all components of society, especially non-formal figures who can have a direct influence on society," he said.

Doni said he was optimistic that Indonesia would pass the COVID-19 pandemic well, if all parties worked sincerely. This has been proven in East Java, where the number of cases of COVID-19 transmission is so high that all areas in the province have red status.

Furthermore, he said, with hard work together with provincial, regency and city leaders assisted by volunteers, the number of positive cases dropped dramatically in early November. The percentage of yellow zones was very much at that time, but it has changed again recently.

"Actually, if we really want to reduce cases, the key is only one, discipline, obeying health protocols. Because we know transmission through aerosols, meaning that if you don't keep your distance and wear a mask, you can quickly get infected, especially if your surroundings don't use masks. and don't keep your distance, "he explained.

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