CILACAP - M (50), a resident of Planjan Village, Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency, was found dead from being electrocuted on Jalan Sumbing, Central Cilacap, Monday, January 2.

Head of Public Relations of the Cilacap Police, Iptu Gatot Tri Hartanto, said the incident occurred at around 10.15 WIB.

Gatot said the victim and Kholidin, who were co-workers of the victim, carried out electrical installation work at a boarding house on Jalan Sumbing RT 02 RW 01, Sidanegara Village.

At the time of the incident, continued Gatot, the victim would connect the cable to the substation by climbing the electricity pole through the roof of the house.

While holding the cable at the main substation pole, the victim's hand touched the cable with an electrical current, causing the victim to be electrocuted and causing the victim to die.

"The victim who died hanging was immediately evacuated by officers. Currently the victim is being taken to the hospital for a post-mortem examination of the body." concluded the gatot

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