JAKARTA - Russia is back in the field of warship construction, launching three ships at once on Thursday at three different ports in Severodvinsk, Baltiysk, and Vladivostok.

The three ships launched at the end of 2022 include the Generalissimus Suvorov nuclear-powered submarine, the small Grad missile ship, and the Anatoly Shlemov sea-mine counter.

Appreciating and grateful for the hard work on Russian shipbuilders, President Putin praised their ability and professionalism in building modern warships.

"The designers, engineers, workers at this company are once again proving their high professionalism in practice," President Putin said, as reported by the Kremlin website December 29.

It is known that new submarines and surface ships have modern navigation, communication and hydroacoustic systems, high-precision weapons, and robotic systems.

"So Generalissimus Suvorov is armed with the Bulava ballistic missile, which significantly increases our nuclear navy capabilities. And I note that four more submarines will be built as part of the country's current weapons program, which will ensure Russia's safety over the next few decades," President Putin said.

Meanwhile, the small Grad rocket ship is also a new generation project. This class ship has shown high efficiency in completing combat missions in Syria, and has proven itself well during special military operations in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the ship that sweeps the sea mines of Anatoly Shlemov also includes a new generation. This project is considered one of Russia's most successful developments in the construction of surface ships. In the future, it is planned to build ten more ships from this class.

"I emphasize we will increase the speed and volume of shipbuilding from various projects, equip them with the most modern weapons, carry out operational and combat training of sailors, taking into account the experience gained, including during special military operations," said President Putin.

"We will do everything necessary to ensure Russia's safety reliably, the protection of our national interests in the ocean," President Putin said.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Russian Defense, Sergei Shoigu, who also followed the launch, added that the ships had been handed over. The raising of the flag marked it.

"The ships have been received by the Navy," Minister Shoigu explained at the end of the ceremony, citing TASS.

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