JAKARTA - The Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of North Kalimantan throughout 2022 found two new types of narcotics, one of which was liquid (liquid) containing gorilla tobacco.

"I have found a new type, to be honest because the goods are small and the tools belonging to the BNNP Kaltara are not sufficient to check, but there are two types. These items were found in Tarakan," said Head of BNNP Kaltara Brigadier General Rudi Hartono, as reported by Antara, Saturday, December 31.

Rudi also revealed that the number of narcotics was small and the checking equipment belonging to the BNNP Kaltara was inadequate. Even though the current type is still unclear, according to him, it is very dangerous.

Throughout 2022, the ranks of BNNP together with the Kaltara Police managed to secure 187.26 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 193.25 grams of marijuana, and 7,665 ecstasy pills.

"BNNP Kaltara is aggressively carrying out efforts to eradicate the narcotics syndicate network. Throughout 2022, BNNP has mapped two networks and three intelligence reports," said Rudi.

From the network that has been mapped, BNNP Kaltara revealed 51 reports of narcotics (LKN) cases with 27 suspects.

Kaltara BNNP members also secured evidence of drugs for 48.67 kilograms of methamphetamine, 193.25 grams of marijuana, and 94 pills of ecstasy.

Efforts to eradicate narcotics network syndicates, he said, were followed up by disclosing money laundering (TPPU) with the aim of impoverishing the dealers. Throughout 2022, the BNNP of Kaltara revealed a case of money laundering.

Meanwhile, the Head of Eradication, AKBP Deden Andriana, said that the TPPU drug suspect with the initials S is currently still languishing in the Class IIA Tarakan Penitentiary.

"The suspect is working with his brother who is currently still languishing in the Parepare Prison for the same case," said Deden.

Currently, the case is in the layering stage, and has conducted examinations in Tarakan, Parepare, and Papua. The value of the money that was successfully disclosed from the ML case amounted to Rp596,032,904.00.

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