JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono was asked to go directly to the field to check the impact of the regulation on the maximum age limitation of 56 years for other individual service providers (PJLP) DKI.

Heru's decision has drawn protests because thousands of DKI Jakarta street vendors over 56 years old will be unemployed starting next year. Heru said that the 56-year-old PJLP, aged one month to 12 months, could still continue the PJLP work contract.

However, Azwar Laware, one of the PJLP UPK Water Agency's 56-year-olds, denied this for two months. Azwar admitted that he could no longer sign the PJLP contract in 2023 even though he was not 57 years old.

Azwar also asked Heru to go to the field to directly check existing facts such as during Joko Widodo's leadership to Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok who served as Governor of DKI.

"The Governor should have stepped down and asked PJLP about the problem. Like Mr. Jokowi, like Mr. Ahok, don't just imply to the assistant. That's not all true," Azwar told reporters, Friday, December 30.

Azwar expressed this request so that Heru could understand firsthand the impact felt by the PJLP, which is threatened with no longer working starting January 2023.

"Check in the field, what's the fate of people who are difficult in DKI. Go down, let's meet one by one, what's the complaint," said Azwar.

Now, Azwar and a number of PJLP over the age of 56 have sent an objection letter regarding the decision to limit the age signed by Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 1095 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Controlling the Use of PJLP. This letter was sent to Heru and Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi.

Azwar said that his party had the same two demands against Heru and Prasetyo, namely delaying the implementation of the governorship and providing opportunities for PJLP over 56 years to work for another year.

"We have signed a receipt from the DPRD because we submitted a letter to the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD regarding the request of all friends so that the Governor's Decree No. 1095 will be postponed in 2023. Second, PJLP colleagues request that those aged 56 years, 57, 58, and so on, they should be re-employed for at least another year," said Azwar.

Azwar asked the DKI Provincial Government for the understanding that this new regulation threatens the survival of PJLP above 56 years. This sudden issued regulation resulted in them unable to prepare for economic stability when their working contract period ended on December 31, 2022.

"I hope that the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta should not only consider those who still have a year, five years, ten years, twenty years ahead. But, consider us who are already confused about how to finance the rest of our lives after we are cut off from work without severance pay, without old age guarantees," he explained.

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