JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially appointed Sandiaga Uno to become Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) replacing Wishnutama. In addition, the Head of State of the Republic of Indonesia also appointed M. Lutfi to become Minister of Trade (Mendag).

BUMN Minister Erick Thohir welcomed the appointment. The reason is, both Sandi and Lutfi are Erick's friends since they were "hanging out" together many years ago.

Erick's speech, marked by uploading a photo on the Instagram account @erickthohir. In the upload, young Erick takes a photo with Sandi and Lutfi and a woman.

"I used to hang out together, work together, now help Pak @jokowi together," Erick wrote on his personal Instagram account, quoted on Tuesday, December 22.

When this news was made, this upload had around 2,500 comments. One of the netizens wrote a positive response in the comments column.

"Great 3 friends in the cabinet, hopefully they can help Pak Jokowi maximally, aminnn," wrote the account @sisto_prasetyo.

As is known, President Jokowi carried out a reshuffle or reshuffle of the Indonesia Maju cabinet at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 22 afternoon. The following is a list of six ministers appointed by President Jokowi today:

1. Budi Gunadi Sadikin as Minister of Health

2. Tri Rismaharini as Minister of Social Affairs

3. Sandiaga Uno as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy

4. Yaqut Cholil Choumas (Gus Yaqut) as Minister of Religion

5. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono as Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

6. M. Lutfi as Minister of Trade

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