JAKARTA - Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Maman Abdurrahman explained the criteria for MSMEs that are included in the list for removing MSME receivables.
Maman said this policy is very good, but on the other hand, the Ministry of MSMEs needs to anticipate and prevent moral hazards so that MSME entrepreneurs remain responsible for financial management and not just waiting for similar policies in the future.
"A total of approximately 1 million MSME entrepreneurs who have previously been registered in the list of deleted Bank Himbara books will receive receivables," said Maman, Thursday, January 9.
Maman added that MSME entrepreneurs who received receivables were those who had been included in the book delete list and the list of collection deletes with several criteria.
"The first criterion, in Government Regulation Number 47 of 2024 concerning the Elimination of bad debts in MSMEs, states that the maximum receivable is IDR 500 million," said Maman.
The second criterion is that these MSMEs have been included in the list of book deletes owned by Himbara Bank since 5 years ago before this PP was established. While the third criterion, namely that MSME customers are no longer able to pay, and no longer have collateral.
Minister of MSMEs Maman emphasized that the Ministry of MSMEs has a responsibility to provide motivation and empowerment of MSME entrepreneurs who have applied for loans that are not included in the list of eliminating receivables.
If you look at the principle of justice, continued Maman, there are 1 million MSMEs that have received receivables. However, for MSME entrepreneurs who do not get the removal of receivables, it is open to access loan facilities so that they can grow through People's Business Credit (KUR).
"For MSME entrepreneurs who have received KUR, they cannot be included in the criteria for eliminating receivables, because they already have insurance or guarantees," said Maman.
Minister of MSMEs Maman also explained that for KUR recipients below Rp. 100 million, there is no need to use collateral, and only 6 percent flat interest is imposed. If someone finds a discrepancy with the regulation, they can report it to the Ministry of MSMEs.
He emphasized that the Ministry of MSMEs was here to mitigate if there was a discrepancy in the implementation of the policies that had been made.
In addition, the Ministry of MSMEs also submitted to the OJK to create a system called Innovative Credit Scoring (ICS).
"In the future, MSME entrepreneurs are expected to access financing not only be seen from collateral, but also using alternative data such as the use of electricity, telecommunications activities, BPJS, and e-commerce transactions," said Maman.
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