JATENG - The District Attorney's Office (Kejari) Purwokerto destroyed evidence of 2.2 kilograms of marijuana, 4,272 pills of psychotropic drugs and 59.22 grams of crystal methamphetamine on Friday, December 23. The evidence comes from 129 criminal cases during 2022.

Kajari Purwokerto Sunarwan said the evidence was from a crime that had permanent legal force or commitment.

"The destruction of this evidence is on the orders of the panel of judges to be destroyed and the case has been signed," he said during the destruction activity in the front yard of the Purwokerto Kejari, Central Java, Friday, December 23, quoted from Antara.

In addition to the evidence that has been mentioned, the destruction was also carried out on 143.66 synthetic tobacco, 165 bottles of alcoholic beverages, 93 cosmetics, 30 cell phones, and dozens of sharp weapons.

In addition to being burned, the destruction of the evidence was carried out by breaking and sawing it.

Sunarwan said that during 2022 his party secured evidence from 129 criminal cases in the form of drug crimes, drug trafficking without a permit, and minor crimes.

The destruction of this evidence was also attended by the Regent of Banyumas Achmad Husein, the Chairman of the Banyumas Regency DPRD Budhi Setiawan, and officials from the Banyumas City Police (Polresta).

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