JAKARTA - The Manpower Office (Disnaker) of Mataram City asked for an additional quota of transmigration two to three times that of the 2022 quota of only 2 families (KK).

Head of Mataram City Manpower Office H Rudi Suryawan said the move was an effort to accommodate families in Mataram who intend to participate in the transmigration program.

"Animo is a resident of Mataram City to participate in a high transmigration program, but the quota given is limited," said Head of Mataram City Manpower Office H Rudi Suryawan in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Thursday, December 22.

He said the additional quota had been proposed to the NTB Provincial Manpower and Transmigration Office. With the hope that in the future the expected quota for Mataram will increase.

"A year, we only get a transmigration quota of 2 families. Even though those who want to leave are more than that," he added.

According to him, the high interest of people who want to take part in the transmigration program can be seen from every socialization activity in six sub-districts in Mataram.

Especially after being given an explanation, the community became interested in the facilities provided, including two hectares of land which was divided into residences, rice fields, and gardens. To live, transmigration participants have received type 36 housing.

"The high public interest we can see in every socialization in six sub-districts by inviting 50 residents who are pre-s prosperous and do not have a job that states that they are on average very interested," he said.

However, the quota for the departure of residents for transmigration is very limited, so in this case the Manpower Office is selective in dispatching residents for transmigration.

For this year, Mataram City can only get two quotas for families to transmigrate to Southeast Sulawesi Province. Two families who were transmigration participants came from Saptamarga and East Mataram Villages departing at the end of July 2022.

The two families, he continued, now feel comfortable living in the transmigration location, and even actively send their activities and information on their conditions there.

"They even asked us next year to come to see the conditions firsthand," he said.

Rudi added, before the two families left for their destination, they were also given assistance in the form of agricultural equipment such as tree cutting machines, hoes, shovels, and others.

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