JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs evaluates the performance of 71 acting regional heads who have been appointed and the evaluation period is due.

"The evaluation of the acting regional head is carried out every three months or quarterly", said the Inspector General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Tomsi Tohir Balaw, as reported by ANTARA on Tuesday, December 20.

Tomsi Tohir Balaw mentioned three areas of assessment as the basis for evaluation. The first, according to him, is the government sector.

He said that based on data owned by the Ministry of Home Affairs, not all acting regional heads have made changes to public services.

In addition, all acting regional heads have also not fully allocated a budget to support the 2024 elections.

"Especially those with a small Regional Budget (APBD), if they are cut at the same time in 2024 then in 2024 there will be no development, this must be paid in installments in 2023, then 2024", he said.

Second, the development sector which includes 5 aspects of 10 development indicators. For this aspect, the Inspector General of the Ministry of Home Affairs gave a serious note to acting regional heads who had not optimized budget realization and had not taken policy steps to control inflation.

"Please understand this method of assessment, apart from explaining what is not ceremonial, only photographs, no. But really activities related to aspects of the assessment, then providing supporting data, this is what we calculate", he said.

Third, the social sector includes two aspects of the four indicators, namely efforts to maintain public order and peace, as well as complaint management.

"Not all acting regional heads have followed up on public complaints", said Tomsi.

According to him, from the fields, aspects, and indicators of the assessment, the Ministry of Home Affairs divided the assessment categories into good, sufficient, and poor criteria.

With regular evaluations, he said it was hoped that the acting regional heads would improve their respective performance to bring about better governance.

"Hopefully in the next quarter, this assessment can change for the better, for those who score less. Yesterday a special explanation was given, please be able to fix it and provide an updated report regarding the improvement", he said.

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