JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) has stated that church administrators may increase the capacity of worship rooms or the number of congregants during the 2022 Christmas celebration. However, on condition, obtaining permission from the police and the COVID-19 Task Force.

"Adding the capacity of worship rooms or the number of congregations outside the church complex can be done after obtaining permission from the local regional police and coordinating with the local COVID-19 Handling Task Force," said Ministry of Religion Spokesperson, Anna Hasbie, at a press conference, Tuesday, December 20.

Anna said this additional capacity was contained in a circular regarding the 2022 Christmas Celebration during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic signed by the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

This circular, among others, regulates that the offline implementation of the 2022 Christmas worship can be attended by the congregation, a maximum of 100 percent of the capacity of the church room. Unlike the implementation two years earlier, the amount of capacity must be limited.

"The number of congregants participating in worship activities in the 2022 Christmas Celebration is offline a maximum of 100 percent of the room's capacity. The implementation must still apply strict health protocols," said Anna.

Anna said that if the congregation exceeds the maximum capacity of 100 percent, the committee could increase the capacity of the congregation's worship/number by utilizing permanent spaces that already exist outside the church's main building but are inside the church complex.

The additional capacity of the congregation's worship / number of rooms using additional / non-permanent equipment in the form of tents or other forms is adjusted to the maximum limit of the area occupied and inside the church complex.

Meanwhile Plt. Director General of Catholic Bimas AM Adiyarto Sumardjono added that Circular Letter Number SE. 15 of 2022 dated December 19, 2022, was issued to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community in organizing Christmas celebrations.

"This circular is part and concern of the Minister of Religion so that Christian worship rights are still fulfilled and the Christmas worship process can run safely and comfortably," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by the Director General of Christian Guidance Jeane Marie Tulung. He hopes Christians can adjust the 2022 Christmas Worship Celebration in accordance with the circular of the Minister of Religion.

"Of course it is our hope that Christians can carry out Christmas services safely, smoothly, and comfortably," he said.

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