The joint team of the ResortBone Police assisted by the South Sulawesi Police examined dozens of witnesses related to the shooting case of lawyer Rudi S. Gani to death by an unknown person.

"Until today, yesterday 14 people (witnesses), added four today, so there are 18 people. The next step, the team is still working in the field, just pray that it can be revealed soon," said the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Jamaluddin Farti, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 7.

A number of witnesses examined included the victim's wife named Maryam and several other people, including construction workers who worked on the victim's new office who were in the process of being built.

The examination of these witnesses was carried out by a joint team and a team of investigators from the Bone Police by borrowing a room at the South Sulawesi Police Headquarters. During the examination, the victim's wife's witness was accompanied by her team of lawyers.

When asked how long the investigation process and the disclosure of the case lasted, Jamaluddin said that so far investigators were still working to collect evidence and witness statements so that the process was still ongoing.

"Be patient for further developments. The handling (of this case) is from the Bone Police, but we are fully backed up from the South Sulawesi Regional Police. There is no (suspected) yet, this is still an investigation. It is still being investigated," he explained.

He also hopes that information assistance from the public regarding case development and is open to receiving input from various parties. Meanwhile, the team from the Bone Police has secured the air rifle.

Regarding the alleged tone of threatening the victim's wife through messages on social media, said Jamaluddin, investigators are still conducting an investigation and the process is still ongoing.

"This is still in the process of being examined above, just wait. The victim's wife is accompanied by friends of lawyers. We'll see the progress (add witnesses)," he said.

Legal assistance to the families of the shooting victims

Head of the Fact Finding Team (TPF) Tadjuddin Rachman in this case said that the victim's wife was examined by investigators at the South Sulawesi Police Headquarters for almost eight hours with 39 questions.

Regarding the perpetrators, he said, there has been a bright spot.

"The person suspected of being the perpetrator has narrowed to several people, including people who are very likely to be suspected, but we cannot open all of them. Later, after the case is determined between whom. Later, he will be determined as a suspect," he said.

Regarding the potential suspect, whether there is a relationship with the profession of the deceased as a victim, said the Peradi Makassar Honorary Council, there are allegations of a relationship with work related to his profession as a lawyer.

"Three people are suspected, but later there will be narrowing, there are main actors, intellectual actors and helping. Those are actors, perpetrators and ordering and helping. There is an element of planning, in my opinion it is like that. But this is still article 338, the article 340 has not been used (preplanned murder)," he said.

Three people called this, said Tadjuddin, of course people used weapons. In addition, there is still one other person being examined as a witness.

Regarding the threat to the victim's wife through the status and message of social media conversation, the electronic evidence has been submitted to the investigator.

Meanwhile, the victim's wife, Maryam, confirmed that there was a conversation suspected of threatening her, including a verbal message conveyed to her by a person who had a case with her husband regarding the alleged land dispute.

"There was a conversation that was suspected (on social media fb). I was not depressed because I was accompanied by 154 lawyers. Alhamdulillah, I am relieved by their presence (of the lawyer)," he said.

The victim's legal advisor, Gafur, added that this case had been reported to the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) to ensure the safety of the victim's wife.

"Meanwhile, we will report it to LPSK, maybe this week we will provide counseling to the mother. We have formed PPA, we will conduct an assessment to the mother and psychological counseling and the family at the scene. God willing, I am sure it can be revealed," said the head of PBHI Peradi Makassar.

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