Semarang - Semarang Polrestabes handed over the stabbing case that killed a Udinus Semarang student, Muhammadnumah Nugroho Hermawan, who was carried out by three gangster members in September 2024 to the local state prosecutor.
Kasi Tindak Pidana Umum Kejari Kota Semarang Sarwanto mengatakan tiga orang tersangka yang dilimpahkan adalahBRP (21), RS (23), serta RPP (20).
The three suspects are members of one of the gangsters who on the day of the incident will fight.
According to him, the perpetrators thought the victim was a member of his opponent's gangster while crossing Kelud Street, Semarang City.
"This victim was wrongly targeted, when he passed by he was then stabbed by the perpetrator," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 7.
For their actions, the three suspects were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding the persecution that killed a person or Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder.
Together with the three suspects who were then detained at the Semarang Rutan, evidence was also transferred in the form of three sharp weapons measuring about 1 meter which were used to injure the victim.
Previously, a Udinus Semarang student was stabbed to death by a group of people while crossing Kelud Street, Semarang City, on September 17, 2024.
The victim, who was riding a motorcycle, was suspected of being the victim of a wrong target by a gangster group who was going to fight.
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