JAKARTA - DL (18) a woman from Bogor, West Java, who had the heart to throw a baby in a trash can underwent an assessment process on Wednesday, December 7. DL underwent an assessment because her psychological condition is still unstable. "Today we are conducting an assessment of the person concerned accompanied by the social service and PPA. So we plan to place him (DL) at the Ministry of Social Affairs safe house, because after all his condition is still unstable," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Ahsanul Muqaffi when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, December 7. Previously, DL was arrested by members of the Cakung Police Criminal Investigation Unit on the Semarang Flyover area, Jalan Pasar Klari, South Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency, West Java. When arrested, the police found that the red pants and jackets worn by DL were still covered in blood. DL was then secured and handed over to the East Jakarta Metro Police. After being arrested by the Cakung Police, DL has not yet undergone a BAP examination at the East Jakarta Metro Police PPA Unit.

"We have not carried out an in-depth examination by the BAP because it is still unstable," he said. After undergoing an assessment, DL will again be carried out in-depth examination by the East Jakarta Metro Police PPA Unit. "Regarding the case of dumping babies, we will continue to process it, we will investigate the investigation process later. (although the rape victim) The person concerned will still be legally processed due to the disposal of the baby," said AKBP Ahsanul. Previously it was reported that the East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) investigator revealed that the woman with the initials DL (18) was the perpetrator of throwing the baby in the Pulogebang Terminal trash can, Cakung District, was a rape victim. This was discovered after the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim PPA Unit conducted an examination of the woman from Bogor. "He (the perpetrator's initials DL) was a child under age, he was a victim of rape. So he was drunk, he was rotated (expelled) until he was pregnant," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Ahsanul Muqaffi when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, December 7th.

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