The Madago Raya Operations Task Force of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda) has secured a homemade firearm (senpi) found by a resident in Kilo Village, Poso Pesisir Utara District, Poso Regency.

"The homemade firearm was found by a resident while digging a hole in the backyard of his house to plant a banana tree," said Head of Operations (Kaops) of the Central Sulawesi Police, Kombes Boy FS Samola, in a written statement received in Palu, Antara, Thursday, January 30.

The long-barreled homemade firearm was found in taut, on Tuesday, January 28.

"At around 08.30 WITA, a resident who was working using a crowbar to dig the ground, then felt the tool hit a hard object. After continuing the excavation, he found a pulpor of a firearm embedded in the ground. He then took the popor and realized that it was part of a homemade firearm," he said.

"Then, he continued the excavation and found the fault of the firearms. The homemade firearms were seen not wrapped and wereodest. After the discovery, he immediately contacted the authorities," he said.

After receiving the report, the task force team arrived at the location and immediately checked and secured the homemade firearm. The firearms were then put in sacks and taken to the Task Force 1 post in Madago Raya, he said.

For this reason, the Head of Operations of Madago Raya appreciates the responsive attitude of residents who immediately reported the findings. His party will investigate these findings further, and will immediately follow up to maintain security stability in the operating area, especially Poso Regency.

The Madago Raya Operations Task Force continues to strive to narrow the space for terrorist groups which are expected to bring peace in Central Sulawesi.

He also appealed to the public to immediately report and hand over dangerous items, such as firearms or explosives, and other hazardous materials to local officials.

"Community support is very important in maintaining peace and creating a safe and conducive situation in the area of operation," he said.

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