YOGYKARTA - For prospective students who are interested in continuing their education at the STAN State Financial Polytechnic (PKN STAN), it is important to understand the available STAN majors. PKN STAN is one of the official schools under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) which is in great demand for its various advantages. Not only offering free education, but also providing great opportunities to be appointed as a Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS) within the Ministry of Finance after graduation.

What are the majors in STAN that prospective students can choose from in 2024? Here's the full explanation.

Reporting from the official website of PKN STAN, here are the majors offered for admission of official schools in 2024:

Program Diploma IV (D4):

Diploma III Program (D3):

STAN PKN Entrance Requirements

To register at PKN STAN on admissions in 2024, there are several important conditions that must be met. One of the main things is to meet the standards of report cards and Computer-Based Writing Exams (UTBK). Here are the provisions:

Graduates in 2021, 2022, or prospective graduates from SMA/SMK/MA or equivalent under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) or the Ministry of Religion.

Regular Paths and Regional Affirmation:

Lecture Profits At PKN STAN

In addition to the quality of education, many students choose PKN STAN because of its clear career prospects. The graduate of PKN STAN has a great opportunity to work as a civil servant at the Ministry of Finance or other government institutions. In addition, studying at PKN STAN does not require education costs, thus providing economic benefits for students and their families.

By knowing various majors in STAN, prospective students can choose a study program that suits their interests and abilities. Don't forget to prepare a good academic value and follow registration procedures carefully so that opportunities to be accepted by PKN STAN are even greater.

So the conclusion is that PKN STAN is the best choice for students who want to continue their education in the field of state finances with profits in the form of free lectures and career opportunities in the public sector. By understanding the available department in STAN and preparing themselves according to the requirements, the opportunity to be part of this official school is wide open.

In addition, read also: Official Schools That Don't Use High Terms

So after knowing the department at Stan, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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