JAKARTA DeepSeek application is popular and is becoming a worldwide concern, especially the US. In a short period of time, this Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based application has been downloaded millions of times.

Amid its popularity, cyber company Wiz revealed that DeepSek's sensitive data was exposed accidentally. The Israeli company found more than a million rows of safetyless data that included software keys.

This data also contains a chat history that captures orders from free DeepSek users. According to Wiz's Head of Technology, Ami Luttwak, they are not the only party who found the data. Fortunately, DeepSek acted quickly by securing the data.

"They managed to remove it in less than an hour," said Ami Luttwak, quoted from Reuters on Thursday, January 30. "However, it is very easy to find (the data) so we believe we weren't the only one to find it."

Although DeepSek's handling is quite fast, Wiz considers that access to sensitive data poses a risk, both to platform security and to end users. If this happens again and the handling goes slowly, cybercriminals can take advantage of the gap.

"The attackers can not only retrieve sensitive logs and actual regular text chat messages, but they also have the potential to steal ordinary text passwords and local files along with direct property information from the server using queries," Wiz explained on his official blog.

platform security issues need to be considered, especially the very popular AI-based platform. If DeepSek's security is not strong, this AI model may not last long on the market.

"As AI is increasingly integrated into businesses around the world, the industry must recognize the risk of handling sensitive data and uphold security practices that are equivalent to those needed for public cloud providers and major infrastructure providers," explained Wiz.

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