JAKARTA - In order to continue the socialization of the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP), the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) through the Directorate General of Public Information and Public Communication (Ditjen IKP) together with Commission III of the DPR RI and the Wonogiri Regency Government again held a People's Show activity Socialization of the Criminal Code Bill which featured the Wayang Kulit Performance to increase public understanding in order to obtain wider public support.

This socialization activity is packaged in the form of people's entertainment at Nungkulan Jaten Village Field, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java. There were about 3000 participants who were representatives of the community, students, and the general public of Wonogiri.

The Director of Information on Communications at the Ministry of Communication and Information, Bambang Gunawan, in his speech said that the realization of a legal state based on Pancasila requires a harmonious, synergistic, comprehensive, and dynamic national legal system through legal development efforts. One of the processes being carried out by the Government, especially in the field of criminal law, is to revise the Criminal Code (KUHP).

"The government's efforts to revise and develop a national criminal law recode system aimed at replacing the old Criminal Code as a legal product for the Dutch East Indies colonial era needs to be carried out immediately, so that it is in accordance with the dynamics of the community," he explained.

Bambang revealed that the government has started drafting the Criminal Code Bill since 1964 to replace the Criminal Code which is valid to date. The preparation of the Criminal Code Bill also involves community participation through public dialogue and outreach in 11 regencies/cities in Indonesia.

From the public dialogue that has been running during the September-October period, the government compiled input and made adjustments that resulted in the latest draft of the Criminal Code Bill. On November 9, 2022, the draft was submitted to Commission III of the DPR RI, and on November 24, it was mutually agreed upon in Level I discussions.

He said that the socialization would be resumed to convey information related to the Criminal Code Bill in a transparent and massive manner so that it is easily accessible and accepted by the public.

"This event is expected to be a means of disseminating information related to RKUHP to public elements as well as a form of participation in preserving culture," he concluded.

Previously, the event was preceded by the remarks of the Deputy Regent of Wonogiri, Setyo Sukarno, who said that wayang kulit as a medium for performing the people had been a means of socialization and had the power to deliver government programs, including the Criminal Code Bill.

"The public certainly needs to continue to be given an understanding, that as a state of law, in this country of the Republic of Indonesia, all aspects of life in the fields of society, pride, and constitutionality, including government must always be based on law," he explained.

He hopes that this socialization activity can provide enlightenment and understanding for all people of Wonogiri Regency to understand the legal and system aspects of the state.

In his presentation, the Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI, Bambang Wuryanto, said that the paradigm about fear of the law for fear of going to prison was wrong. According to him, this happened because the laws that had been in effect so far were the laws of colonial products used since this republic became independent.

"We don't have one, so we have to have our own laws that are adapted to our culture. This process has been going on since 1964, it's been a long time, it's been discussed for a long time and many times. So now we have to read the RKUHP together, because there we are protected from birth to death, what is allowed and what is not allowed," he explained.

He also said that the Criminal Code Bill which will later be passed will protect the rights of the people and must really be used as a guide. According to him, the Criminal Code Bill is preserving and protecting, so that people no longer need to be afraid of the arbitrarily arbitrary law.

"Many have protested against this RKUHP, but if this is not ratified it will be dangerous, we will continue to fear the law," he explained.

Bambang ensured that the articles in this RKUHP would not have a rubber article. He emphasized that there is no more law which means different from day to day.

"The point is not to be afraid by the law, because the criminal law in this Criminal Code Bill protects, not merely to punish," he said.

The RKUHP socialization event was then continued by the people's entertainment in the form of fireworks, gamelan performances, and last night's shadow puppet performance with the play Wahyu Katentreman by Dalang Ki Sigid Ariyanto and guest stars Eka Kebumen, Bagyo Gareng Semarang, Cak Yudo and Cak Andi.

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