JAKARTA - The Sub-Directorate of Cyber Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police raided an illegal online loan office (pinjol) located at a shophouse in Manado, North Sulawesi.
"The action was carried out at one of the shophouses in the Ruko Marina area, Manado City, which is strongly suspected of being the place where the online loan operates," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Auliansyah Lubis in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, December 4.
Auliansyah explained that the raid was carried out on Tuesday, November 29 with the help of the North Sulawesi Regional Police.
The company is known to operate four illegal online loan applications, namely Loans Now, AkuKaya, KamiKaya, and EasyGo.
"This illegal loan activity has been running for approximately one year with customer money and money circulation estimated at billions of rupiah every month," he said.
The illegal online loan office also disguised his office as a savings and loan cooperative office so that his whereabouts escaped public scrutiny.
Auliansyah explained that the raid on the illegal online loan office began with a report from one of the customers who was terrorized and threatened with being distributed his personal data.
The incident began when the reporter borrowed on the Loan Now and AkuKaya applications on October 25, 2022, with a loan tempo of 30 days.
Then on the maturity date of the loan on October 21-22, the operators of the two applications sent a WhatsApp message to the reporter containing the personal data of the reporter.
Furthermore, on November 23, the reporter again received a WhatsApp message from the Loan Now application, but this time it was in the form of a threat of spreading data in the form of photos of the victim's Identity Card (KTP) and photos of victims from social media to the phone numbers of people registered on the victim's cellphone contact list.
For this incident, the victim then reported the incident to the Polda Metro Jaya which was followed by an investigation until a raid was carried out on the illegal online loan office which turned out to be in Manado.
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