JAKARTA - Head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center Daryono said the 6.1 magnitude earthquake that rocked the Garut Regency, West Java, Saturday, December 3, was a medium earthquake. This is due to activity in the Indo-Australian plate (intraslab).

Sementara hasil analisis mekanisme sumber menunjukkan bahwa gempa bumi memiliki mekanisme pergerakan shear (strike-slip), demikian yang dilansir Antara.

Daryono also said that the BMKG did not detect any aftershocks until 17.20 WIB. The aftershock in Garut only occurred at 17.59 WIB.

BMKG previously announced that the earthquake had a magnitude of M 6.4 before it was finally updated to M 6.1. The earthquake occurred on Saturday, December 3, at 16.49 WIB.

The earthquake was felt in the Garut area with an intensity scale of IV MMI felt by many people. Meanwhile, the area of Kopo, Kalapanunggal, Sumur, Ciamis, Tasikmalaya felt a vibration with a scale of III MMI which was felt real in the house as if the truck had passed.

Sumedang, Lembang, Pamoyanan, Panimbang, Cikeusik, Labuan, Purworejo, Bantul, Kulonprogo felt a shock with an intensity scale of II-III MMI or felt by several people, light objects that were hung swayed.

Cikembar, Cugenang, Palabuhan Ratu, Bandung, Bogor, Cilacap, Sawarna, Cireunghas, Bojong, Yogyakarta, Wonosobo, Kargates, Trenggalek with an intensity scale of II MMI or vibrations felt by several people and light objects that were hung swayed.

According to BMKG's monitoring, the earthquake did not have the potential for a tsunami.

Daryono reminded the public to remain calm and not be influenced by issues that cannot be justified.

Residents are also asked to avoid buildings that are cracked or damaged by the earthquake. Examining and ensuring that residential buildings are earthquake resistant and do not have earthquake damage that endangers the stability of the building before returning to the house.

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