JAKARTA - The Iranian court sentenced four people suspected of collaborating with Israel's intelligence services and carrying out the kidnapping on Wednesday.
Iran has long accused arch-enemy Israel of carrying out covert operations on its territory.
In addition, Tehran has recently accused Israeli and Western intelligence services of planning a civil war in the country, which has now been hit by some of the biggest anti-government protests since the 1979 Revolution.
Mehr's news agency named four suspects and, referring to Israel, said they were "suggested to death for crimes in collaboration with the Zionist regime intelligence services and kidnappings".
"With the guidance of the Zionist intelligence service, the network steals and destroys private and public property, kidnaps people, and gets false recognition," Mehr reported.
Mehr said the suspects had been arrested by elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the Intelligence Ministry.
Sementara itu, tiga orang lainnya dijatuhi hukuman penjara antara lima dan 10 tahun karena diduga melakukan kejahatan seperti bertindak melawan keamanan nasional, membantu penculikan dan memiliki senjata ilegal, katanya.
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