JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Environmental Service has handled 1,231 kilograms of disposable mask waste from households during the COVID-19 pandemic in the capital.

"From the start of the pandemic in April, Jakarta has been handling infectious waste from households on a routine basis until now. This is done so that infectious waste can be handled properly and avoid the potential for COVID-19 transmission," said Acting Head (Plt), Head of the Environmental Service. DKI Jakarta Syarifudin in his statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, December 15.

Head of the Section for Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3) of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency, Rosa Ambarsari, said that there are special officers to sort infectious waste from households.

The DKI Jakarta Environment Agency collaborates with a licensed B3 waste processor to destroy infectious wastes such as disposable masks.

"Used masks are classified as infectious waste, the Environmental Service is working with a B3 waste processor to destroy it by incinerating it," said Rosa.

Incineration is a waste processing technology through combustion with organic materials. Rosa also hopes that the community, especially housewives, will be aware of sorting waste, especially during this pandemic.

To the public, especially housewives, to start to realize that sorting household medical waste is an important thing to do.

"We both sort and separate ourselves. Then, sprayed with disinfectant and specially packaged. After that it is our responsibility for further handling," said Rosa.

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