JAKARTA - Candidate for Governor of South Kalimantan serial number 2 Denny Indrayana invites his team to prepare for disputes over the election results if challenged to the Constitutional Court (MK). Denny Indrayana sees that the slight difference in the number of votes obtained will potentially lead to a lawsuit.

"Until I came here (press conference), on the KPU website, the positions were thin at 50.1 percent and 49.9 percent. With such figures, all parties must be prepared to anticipate a possible dispute over the outcome in the Constitutional Court," said Denny. Indrayana quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 15.

Denny Indrayana explained that in the latest Constitutional Court regulation there is no mention of a limit on what percentage of the difference in votes that can be submitted to the MK, so that the potential for a lawsuit is wide open because the difference in the results of the votes is likely to be slim.

"Although it is not stated how much, so everyone must anticipate. Our current position is winning, sirekap gives the above figures, but we are in a winning position even though we are ready to face a lawsuit," he said.

From this potential, Denny hopes that community participation will play a role in guarding the process.

"In preparation for the Constitutional Court, I invite all people who know the indication and evidence of fraud whatever the evidence is to send it to the number we have prepared, namely 081977726299," he said.

Denny stated that he opened a public space to oversee the regional election process by submitting a report to the telephone contact that had been provided.

Apart from the points above, Denny also mentioned four other points to stop cheating. His party still sees that there are efforts in that direction, there are those who play "playing victims".

"I said stop. We will take the legal consequences seriously, do not take steps that destroy the victorious democracy and people's trust," he said.

Apart from that, there are also indications of fraud where the indication of invalid ballots is very high and also the like.

"For example, in Binuang Tapin there were about 10 polling stations with zero votes for Denny's pair and 100 percent votes for the opposing pair. I raise this from strange to illogical. And I think this needs to be investigated," he said.

Denny, who is also a former Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights, thanked the volunteers (Dangsanak) who had done an extraordinary job. The coalition party team and the supporting community are asked to remain vigilant and guard the people's winning votes which so far they have to pay close attention to in every recapitulation.

Denny also mentioned about guarantees for the people, in the election for governor there will be no negotiations in the sense of manipulative votes.

"We will not withdraw from the 2020 Pilkada process and there will be no negotiation process, I emphasize and guarantee that there will be no negotiations to resign. Even if there is an invitation I will refuse, regardless of the price it will not be traded, integrity cannot be bought, I am optimistic that it will win," he said.

Responding to the stronghold of the Denny Indrayana camp, the head of the winning team for the 2020 candidate for governor and deputy governor of South Kalimantan, H Sahbirin Noor-Muhidin (BirinMu's uncle), Muhammad Rifqinizami Karsayudha respected Denny's way of conveying his opinion.

"We respect his way," said Rifqi.

The team of Uncle Birin MU also told Denny Indrayana not to repeat the claim cases for the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections at the 2020 South Kalimantan Pilgub. As for the allegations of fraud at Tapin, Rifqi asked Denny Indrayana to prove it.

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