The forensic team of doctors at the National Police Hospital has not been able to reveal the cause of death of a family of 4 people, which was found at Citra Garden 1 Extension Housing, Kalideres, West Jakarta.

The Forensic Doctor of the Kramatjati Police Hospital, AKP dr Arief Wahyono explained, currently his party is still examining the victim's body.

"We can't explain the condition yet because we are still examining the cause of death of the victim because it is still being investigated," Arief told reporters at the Police Hospital, Friday, November 11.

When handed over to the Police Hospital, the condition of the four bodies was in a state of rot.

"Currently we have received the body from Kalideres, now it is under investigation. (The condition of the corpse) While it is rotting, we are still looking further. For others, we can go directly to the investigator," he said.

Previously, residents of Citra Garden Housing were shocked by the discovery of 4 rotting bodies in their homes, Thursday night, November 10.

According to police information, there were 4 bodies consisting of 2 men and 2 women.

"His condition is rotten," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Haris journalist, Friday, November 11.

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