JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will forcibly pick up Rizieq Shihab and five other people after being named suspects in an alleged violation of the health protocol in Petamburan, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta some time ago.

Responding to this, FPI's lawyer, Aziz Yanuar said that Rizieq was willing to come to Polda Metro Jaya to undergo an examination.

However, currently Rizieq is said to be still undergoing health recovery. Aziz was reluctant to mention clearly Rizieq's health condition.

"If his recovery condition is complete, God willing, he will fulfill his summons. He is currently recovering," said Aziz at the DPR RI Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 10.

Aziz claimed that currently the police understood that Rizieq's absence from the previous summons was due to health problems.

"Alhamdulillah, there was good communication and they understood Habib Rizieq's condition, which means that he was quite humanist," he said.

Previously, Polda Metro Jaya would forcibly pick up Rizieq Shihab and five other people who were named as suspects in a case of alleged violation of the health protocol. Forced pick-up because Rizieq was not present for the two summons for questioning.

"The six suspects are the police, in this case, will use the force of force possessed by the police in accordance with the laws and regulations," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus.

Yusri emphasized that the effort to force pick-up is one of the authorities of the Police. This is in accordance with the rules in the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP).

"There are two powers of the National Police, summoning or by arrest, that's a forced attempt," said Yusri.

Rizieq Shihab has been absent from the police interrogation summons twice, namely on December 1 and 7. Rizieq did not answer the summons because he argued that he was recovering his health condition.

In this case, Rizieq Shihab was appointed together with 5 other people, namely the Chairperson of the Marriage Contract Committee with the initials HU, the Secretary of the Marriage Contract Committee with the initials A, the Person in Charge for Security with the initials MS, the Person in Charge for the Marriage Ceremony with the initials SL, and the Head of the Marriage Contract Program with the initials HI.

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