The Aceh Regional Police are investigating allegations of illegal forest and land acquisition in the Jantho road project in Aceh Besar District connecting Lamno, Aceh Jaya Regency. The Head of Public Relations of the Aceh Police, Kombes Winardy, said the investigation was a follow-up to the Aceh Government's coordination meeting with various elements of law enforcement. "Tim dari Polda Aceh bersama petugas Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kehutanan serta Balai Gakkum Kementerian Lingkungan Kehutanan sudah turun ke lokasi perambahan hutan di sepanjang jalan Jantho-Lamno," kata Winardy di Banda Aceh, Antara, Rabu, 9 November. Winardy said the investigation was an effort to enforce the law against illegal logging and forest acquisition, as well as illegal land tenure at several points of the Jantho-Lamno road project. "Investigation involves all elements related to the decline in the task force to the area, it is suspected that there was an illegal increase in forest and land control," Winardy said. Selain itu, kata Winardy, pihaknya juga akan mendatangi panjang atau tempat pengerjakan kayu, baik di sekitar proyek jalan Jantho-Lamno maupun di daerah lainnya di Aceh, guna menyelidiki perizinannya. "From the data we got, there were 87 pieces of wood throughout Aceh, either licensed or not. We also urge related parties to re-register the licensing and source of the long-long wood," said Winardy. "In addition to law enforcement, efforts to prevent illegal forest and land control are also carried out by socializing to the public," said Winardy. "The issue of forest and land acquisition without rights will be carried out in a coordinated and integrated manner. The goal is to preserve the forest and as an effort to prevent flooding," said Winardy. Winardy appealed to the public to be aware of the addition of forest, felling trees, as well as illegal land control and environmental destruction to report to the Aceh Regional Police. "Law enforcement against forest destruction in an illegal manner aims to preserve it and other flood and disaster prevention efforts," said Winardy.

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