RIAU - The SAR team continues their search for an 11-year-old child who was reported missing in the Siak River in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province.

Head of the Pekanbaru Search and Rescue Office (Basarnas) I Nyoman Sidakarya said the boy, a resident of Palas Village, Rumbai District, was dragged by the current while swimming on the edge of the Siak River with his friends on Sunday afternoon, November 6.

"While he was swimming, his friend suddenly saw the victim being dragged by the current and drowning," he said, quoted from Antara, Monday, November 7.

His friends reported the incident to the victim's family and residents around the river, who then submitted a report to the neighborhood administrator.

The neighborhood administrator then forwarded the report on the child being dragged by the river to Basarnas.

Basarnas officers were then deployed to search for victims using rubber boats, diving equipment, and supporting tools for search efforts in other waters.

As of Sunday 6 November at 18.00 WIB, the search effort has not yielded any results, so it will be continued on Monday 7 November.

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