JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agricultural Security Service (KPKP Sub-Department) and the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) held a pet cat sterilization service for residents on 7-16 November 2022 to prevent rabies.

"This 4th stage pet cat sterilization service is shown for residents in eight sub-districts in Central Jakarta starting on November 7 to 16," said Head of the Animal Husbandry and Health Section of the Central Jakarta KPKP Sub-dept. Herawati, quoted by Antara, Saturday, November 5.

The sterilization of pets is prepared for 125 individuals. "Sterilization collaborates with PDHI DKI Jakarta with a quota of 125 pets," he said.

Herawati also explained that hundreds of domestically sterilized pet cats in the fourth stage consisted of 100 males and 25 females.

"In total, until the end of 2022, we have prepared a quota of 500 cats consisting of 400 males and 100 females in sterilization which is divided into four stages of activity," he said.

The sterilization of residents' pet cats in eight sub-districts in Central Jakarta on November 7-16 was held at five veterinary clinics.

This sterilization is free of charge, aka free. Residents who wish to sterilize the pet cat can register themselves with the narabung in each sub-district KPKP Implementing Unit.

This sterilization is in line with rabies prevention efforts in the capital city. "Sterilization was held aimed at suppressing the cat population in the community," he said.

Herawati hopes that with this program, pets in Central Jakarta are free from disease so that residents can live safely with their pets.

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