JAKARTA - Public Policy Researcher from Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) Saidiman Ahmad assesses Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation as part of a series of economic transformation in Indonesia that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) aspires.

"Apart from being a series of bureaucratic reforms, the Job Creation Law is also part of a series of economic transformations that President Joko Widodo has been aiming for from the start," Saidiman was quoted as saying from Antara, Wednesday, December 9.

According to him, Jokowi did three things for economic transformation. First, infrastructure development in an equitable and massive manner since the first period.

"Then the development of human resources (HR) which was announced in this second period," said the observer.

And third, he continued, institutional reform in the form of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation.

Regarding bureaucratic reform, the need to enact laws such as the Job Creation Law is a demand for bureaucratic reform that is more institutional and less sporadic and is undoubtedly needed to be present, sooner or later.

"The Job Creation Law makes bureaucratic reform more systematic and more institutional on a large scale," Saidiman said.

Saidiman explained that in the world in the 1980-1990s there was a bureaucratic reform movement called New Public Management, which demanded changes to the output-oriented bureaucratic system and implemented managerial-style private companies in the government bureaucracy.

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