JAKARTA - The security of the G20 Summit in Bali also includes the contingency of anticipation of natural disasters that may occur during the rainy season. How to prepare personnel as well as disaster management facilities and infrastructure.

"So the contingency plan has been prepared," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Monday, October 31, quoted from Antara.

There are 1,500 personnel prepared for disaster management and management in the Bali region. This number of personnel is different from the Polri personnel who are prepared for security.

Overall, the National Police involved 8,000 personnel in securing the G20 Summit which took place in November 2022, including security, security at the event location, routine security, potential security for demonstrations, security at airports, securing places visited by delegates, to securing the buffer zone. Denpasar, Balik

"Untuk menghadapi kondisi kontijensi sudah disiapkan 1,500 personel dari Polda Bali dibantu Polda Jawa Timur, dari Brimob, dan Polda NTT," ucap dia.

Then, continued the two-star general, he said, the condition of the contingency that was anticipated was not only natural disasters, but also other prominent incidents including terrorism. "This will be used to mitigate disasters," said Dedi.

Previously, in early October, floods hit Kuta and Denpasar, Bali, due to overnight rain that occurred on Saturday (8/10) until the morning.

On Friday (21/10), Bali Governor Wayan Koster said that a number of natural disasters that occurred in Bali would not interfere with the course of the G20 meeting in November 2022.

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