JAKARTA - Rhapsody Nusantara, which was held at the Diamond Solo Convention Center, was lively. The spirit of the Youth Pledge was again echoed through the harmony of the tone and the chanting of Indonesian songs.

The event, which presented the famous artists, also became a prayer show for the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, who even had his 54th birthday.

The collaboration show between music, dance, and poetry was opened with the appearance of the Kolintang Gratia group. Then it was connected to the Sekaten gamelan strain played by female tweeters. The stage of Rhapsody Nusantara was even more lively with the appearances of various artists such as Dira Sugandi, Sruti Respati, Filda Wibowo, Melati Arumsari, to Dewi Pemuyun.

They replaced featuring a show that described the diversity that was united in Indonesia's forum in the archipelago. In addition, there is also a poetry reading from veteran actress Christine Hakim and Butet Kartaredjasa.

Christine Hakim went up to the stage right after the arrival of Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo. Apart from Ganjar, there are also Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil, Bogor Mayor Bima Arya, and several other figures.

Christine Hakim read a poem by WS Rendra. After reading the poem, he then greeted Ganjar and wished him a happy birthday.

"Allow me to wish you a happy birthday, to the Governor, Mr. Ganjar. May Mr. Ganjar be given a long life, a blessed life. And may Mr. Ganjar always be loved and blessed by Allah, always guided and guided by Allah, and always be a trustworthy leader," he said, before taking the stage.

The congratulations and prayers were immediately greeted by Ganjar Pranowo who walked over to Christine Hakim. The two then shook hands and occasionally seemed to laugh together. While the performance continued with the performance of Butet Kartaredjasa.

This time Butet was not monologous but read a poem by Gus Mus. Before that, he first greeted Ganjar and other invited guests. Even Butet specifically invited Ganjar to take the stage. He wanted to give Ganjar a birthday present.

"Even though I'm a poor artist, will I give you a gift, will I? Mas Ganjar, I ask to go on stage. Please open the prize," said Butet.

As it turned out, the gift given by Butet was Soekarno's painting with a red background. At the top is written a sentence "Warisilah the Fire, Don't Be the Ash".

The painting is one of Butet's collections displayed at his home. Ganjar himself had seen the painting firsthand and took pictures with Butet in front of the painting.

"This is a painting that Mas Ganjar liked when he played at home last week," Butet said.

Ganjar Pranowo said the Rhapsody Nusantara event was a top show. In addition to bringing the spirit of the Youth Pledge, all artists who appear and collaborate are national artists.

Artis sendiri, lagu lagu daerah dikolaborasikan, menurut saya top. Bagus, katanya usai acara.

Ganjar also had time to respond to the Soekarno painting gift given by Butet Kartaredjasa. He recounted that while playing at Butet Kartaredjasa's house some time ago there were indeed a number of paintings that attracted him. One of them is Soekarno's painting.

There are several interesting paintings, one of which is Bung Karno's painting. I said this painting is really good. And there is another painting that I have a crush on, namely his painting from the old National Police Chief, Pak Hoegeng. So the painting Mr. Hoegeng painted Mr. Hoegeng, who was painted, is the National Police Chief and has not been completed. The philosophy is very deep," said Ganjar.

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