KUPANG - East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Johanis Asadoma, said the Bali Police Forensic Laboratory Team had investigated the scene (TKP) of the burning of the Cantika Express 77 which killed 19 people.

"We have invited the Bali Police Forensic Expert Team and they have conducted a crime scene investigation on the ship", he told reporters in Kupang.

This crime scene investigation is related to the police's efforts to uncover the cause of the burning of the Cantika Express 77 ship which caused 19 deaths.

According to Inspector General Johanis, the investigation process is still limited to an interview and has not yet reached Pro Justitia.

"So we just asked for information from the captain of the ship, the vice-captain of the ship, the head of the engine room, and five passengers who we asked for information to find the cause of the fire", he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Class A Port Health Office (KKP) of Kupang, I Putu Sudayana, explained that today was the fourth day of searching by the joint SAR team.

"The joint SAR team today carried out the fourth day of SAR operations, which began at 06.15 WITA", he said.

In the SAR operation on the fourth day, the joint SAR team consisted of Basarnas (KPP Class A Kupang), the Directorate of Polair Polda NTT, Lantamal VII, Bakamla, KSOP, from Navigation, fishermen, and ship owner companies.

"The team from the KNKT this morning headed to the location to carry out an investigation", he said.

His party has expanded the search according to the direction of the current and wind, expanded the search area to the west and north by directing special equipment for ships from Basarnas and three ships from the Directorate of Water and Air Police of the NTT Police and support from Lantamal VII Kupang.

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