The report of the Sumatran tiger eating people's livestock was responded to by installing a boxtrap or trap cage in Teluk Lanus Village, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency, Riau Province (Kepri).

The installation was carried out by the Riau Islands Center for Conservation and Natural Resources (BKSDA). Around the trap, three camera traps (CT) were also installed to monitor the movement of tigers.

"In the trap cage (boxtrap) installed, a bait is given in the form of a goat," said Head of the Riau BKSDA Center, Genman S. Hasibuan, quoted from Antara, Monday, October 24.

Genman said that the BKSDA Hall personnel first mitigated the negative interaction between Sumatran tigers at the location before building a trap.

On Monday, October 17, his party also rebuilt a sense of security over public unrest.

He added that Teluk Lanus Village is part of the landscape of the Kampar Peninsula. The area is one of the pockets that has the highest tiger population in Riau Province.

Genman also suspected that it was true that tigers appeared in settlements as reported by residents of Teluk Lanus Village. Therefore, the Balai BKSDA has observed the location that is suspected to have been passed and the location of the tigers eating the residents' livestock.

Based on observations, he continued, there are several traces that are close to the community's chicken coop. Furthermore, the team took the GPS coordinate point and it was discovered that the scene of the incident was located in the status of the Limited Production Forest (HPT) area.

To build a sense of security for people who are worried about leaving their homes, the team installs traps. The selection of the installation location is based on the level of tiger appearance in the form of traces and other signs that are many or often found there.

"Until now, based on the results of boxtrap checks and camera traps, it is known that the installation is still like the beginning of the installation," he said.

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