Lawyer Klaim Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan Only Becomes A Victim Of Ferdy Sambo
Brigadier General Hendra left the South Jakarta District Court courtroom/ Photo: Capture video screen

Attorney General Hendra Kurniawan, Henry Yosodiningrat, claims his client is only a victim of Ferdy Sambo's actions in the obstruction of justice case. Because, he only carried out orders.

"Yes, the victim (from Ferdy Sambo, ed)," said Henry when confirmed, Friday, October 21.

Based on the indictment, one of Ferdy Sambo's orders to his client was to ensure that the disappearance of CCTV footage went well.

Moreover, Hendra Kurniawan is a hierarchy of Ferdy Sambo's subordinates both in the National Police and the Propam Division.

"That's right, he (Hendra, ed) carried out his superiors' orders, that's right," he said.

In addition, another lawyer for Hendra Kurniawan, Sangun Ragahdo Yosodiningrat, said that in the series of events, his client did not actually order the other defendants to destroy evidence. But just looking at CCTV footage.

"So actually from the start the order was not to eliminate evidence. What they understand is that the order from their superiors is for screening," said Ragahdo.

Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan has disrupted one of the seven suspected obstruction of justice investigations into the murder of Brigadier J.

In that case, he is suspected of Article 49 in conjunction with Article 33 subsidiary Article 48 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 32 Paragraph (1) of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code or Article 233 subsidiary Article 221 Paragraph (1) 2nd in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

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