JAKARTA - A young man with the initials DK (18), a resident of Ciberem Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency, was arrested by the PPA Unit of the Banyumas Police Satreskrim for having had sex with a minor.

Banyumas Police Chief Kombes Pol Edy Suranta Sitepu through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banyumas Police, Kompol Agus Supriadi said this incident occurred in mid-2021, in the house belonging to the perpetrator in Ciberem Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency.

"The victim experienced an initial incident in mid-2021, at that time the victim who was at home was invited to have a relationship like husband and wife," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit in a short message, Wednesday, October 12.

Furthermore, Kasat explained that the victim had refused but the suspect continued to force the victim and was willing to take responsibility if he was pregnant. Then, continued Kasat, there was a relationship like husband and wife in the suspect's room.

"The victim was invited to the room and then forced to take off her pants and the perpetrator had sex until the victim was currently 8 months pregnant but the perpetrator was not responsible", said Edy Suranta.

Not accepting that his son was treated thus, FS (14), the victim's family reported the case to the PPA Unit of the Banyumas Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

"Previously, the perpetrators had been summoned through an invitation to clarify because previously the complainant complained about the alleged crime reported by the perpetrator, but the perpetrator did not come for no apparent reason. So on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at around 14.00, members of the PPA unit came to the perpetrator and made an attempt to arrest him," explained Edy.

To account for his actions, the suspect was charged with the alleged criminal act of sexual intercourse and/or sexual abuse of children as referred to in Article 81 and/or Article 82 of Law no. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

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