JAKARTA - There were 11 shots of tear gas fired by the police at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, East Java. Most lead to the South Stand, seven times.

This fact was explained by the National Police Chief General of Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo during a press conference at the Malang Police, Thursday, October 6 evening.

The National Police Chief said that of the 11 tear gas shots fired by the security forces, seven of them were aimed at the south stands of Kanjuruhan Stadium.

"There were 11 personnel who fired tear gas, about seven shots to the south stand, one shot to the north and three shots to the field," General Listyo said as quoted by Antara.

The National Police Chief also explained that the investigation team had examined 31 members of the National Police. Of the 31 members of the National Police who were examined, 20 were suspected of committing violations.

"Sufficient evidence was found against 20 suspected violators, consisting of four main Malang Police officers, namely AKBP FH, Kompol WS, AKP BS, and Iptu BS," he explained.

In addition, there are two supervisory and controlling officers, namely AKBP AW and AKP D. Then the superiors who ordered the shooting of three personnel, namely AKP A, AKP S, and Aiptu BP.

"The personnel who fired tear gas inside the stadium were 11 personnel," added the National Police Chief.

With these findings, the National Police Chief added, a follow-up process for ethical accountability will soon be carried out. However, it is possible that the number of suspected violators could still increase.

In addition to conducting internal police investigations, related to the investigation, 48 witnesses have been examined, including 26 Polri personnel, three match organizers, eight stewards, six witnesses who were around the crime scene, and five other witnesses.

"We are continuing to carry out additional inspections," said General Listyo.

The suspects in the Kanjuruhan Malang tragedy are the President Director of LIB Ahmad Hadian Lukita, the Head of the Malang Arema Organizing Committee Abdul Haris, and the Head of the Malang Police Ops, Kompol Wahyu Setyo Pranoto.

Then the Head of Samapta at the Malang Resort Police AKP Bambang Sidik Achmadi, the Brimob Company Commander for the East Java Police AKP Hasdarman, and Security Steward Suko Sutrisno.

Based on data from the Malang District Health Office, 131 people died in the tragedy at Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang Regency, while 440 people suffered minor injuries and 29 people suffered serious injuries.

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