BOGOR - The Bogor Regency Government, West Java, is targeting the construction of 30 suspension bridges during 2022. Construction will cooperate with the TNI from Kodam III/Siliwangi.
"Hopefully, with the construction of a swamp bridge (hanging bridge), public access is faster and can make community activities smooth," said Acting Regent of Bogor, Iwan Setiawan in Cibinong, Bogor, Antara, Tuesday, October 4.
The reason is, the Bogor Regency Government is targeting the construction of 215 bridges in the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) for 2018-2023. From early 2019 to the end of 2020, the Bogor Regency Government succeeded in building 23 suspension bridges despite many budget reallocations or budget refocusing for handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
Iwan said that the Bogor Regency Government then succeeded in building 33 suspension bridges during 2021. Meanwhile, the remaining target for the construction of the suspension bridge will be carried out during 2023.
"The bridge can also accelerate access to community movements, both education, health, including the economy, can run faster," said Iwan.
The involvement of the TNI in this development is not the first time the Bogor Regency Government has carried out this era of Ade Yasin-Iwan Setiawan's leadership. In 2020, the Bogor Regency Government involved Kodim 0621/Bogor Regency in paving roads to build the East Central Poros Line (PTT) or Puncak Dua Line.
The work, which was funded by the Bogor Regency APBD worth Rp. 5 billion, was in the form of land clearing with a length of 1.1 kilometers and a width of 30 meters.
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