JAKARTA - President Director of PT Transjakarta Mochammad Yana Aditya claims unilaterally that the revitalization of the HI Roundabout Bus Stop has been carried out according to the rules.

He made this statement in response to the HI Roundabout Bus Stop issue which was deemed to have violated the cultural heritage conservation procedures for closing the View of the Welcome Statue.

"We have carried out all processes according to the rules and we just do everything. If for example the rules say different things, we will follow them. However, the rules say yes," Yana said when met at the Transjakarta Headquarters, Cawang, East Jakarta, Friday, September 30.

However, Yana did not explain the details of the rules in question. He only mentioned that the BUMD in the transportation sector had been allowed to build a building in the form of a bus stop near the HI Roundabout area.

"We have a permit to establish infrastructure," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the absence of a recommendation proposal from the Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB) and the DKI Jakarta Restoration Session Team (TSP) regarding the construction of the HI Roundabout Bus Stop, Yana was reluctant to respond.

Previously, Jakarta historian JJ Rizal had a problem with the construction of the revitalization of the Transjakarta Bus Stop in the HI Roundabout which blocked the view towards the Welcome Statue.

According to JJ Rizal, the Welcome Statue has a high historical value. He explained that the statue at the HI Roundabout was the work of President Soekarno with Governor Henk Ntak and maestro host Edhi Sunarso.

" Transjakarta should respect the historical area, not even compete with Bung Karno as an architect who works with Abel Sorensen, a maestro who is a statue artist, and Governor Henk Don't depend on him. It's not appropriate to compete with them," said JJ Rizal.

Separately, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Restoration Session Team (TSP) Boy Bhirawa revealed that the revitalization of the HI Roundabout Transjakarta Bus Stop violated cultural heritage conservation procedures.

Adapun kawasan Bundaran HI yang ditetapkan sebagai ODCB adalah Patung Selamat, airguman, dan jalan di sekitarnya. Meski masih berstatus diduga cagar budaya, kawasan Bundaran HI tetap harus diperlakukan cagar budaya.

"The restoration area of the cultural heritage belongs to the public, it belongs to the real citizens of the city. An important area that has indications of historicality or meaning in the city must remain in its position. So, it should not be covered up or damaged," said Boy.

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