JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim is still conducting an investigation related to the theft of the official car battery that occurred at the Central Jakarta City Government office.

"The gang who stole the official car battery are still being hunted by members in the field," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin when confirmed, Wednesday, September 28.

Kombes Komarudin said his party had also received a report and checked at the crime scene (TKP). Currently, there are 3 people who have been questioned by the Central Jakarta City Government.

"We have received evidence in the form of CCTV footage and photos from the Central Jakarta City Government," he said.

Furthermore, Kombes Komarudin said that the perpetrator in the act was not alone and it was possible that this group was a syndicate. The police number plates (nopol) used in the action may also be fake.

"We are still investigating and pursuing the perpetrators from the available CCTV evidence," he said.

Previously, it was reported that as many as 8 official vehicle batteries from various UKPDs in the Central Jakarta City Government were stolen by thieves. It happened several days a week. The last car battery theft occurred on Sunday, September 25, evening.

According to the information gathered, a number of official vehicles that were targeted by the thieves were parked in the parking lot of the Central Jakarta City Government office.

The missing batteries are the official vehicle belonging to the Central Jakarta Satpol PP, which has 4 batteries, the Nakertrans-E Sub-Department vehicle has 2 batteries and the Central Jakarta KPKP Sub-dept. has 2 batteries.

"The theft has been happening for a week, starting from Friday, September 23," said Head of the Central Jakarta City Government Household Sub Division, Arief Budianto when confirmed, Monday, September 26.

Arief explained that the missing vehicle battery belonged to the Civil Service Police Unit, the Nakertrans-E Sub-dept. and the KPKP Sub-dept.

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