JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, asked students to participate in spreading anti-corruption values in the community. Including, while holding real work lectures (KKN).
"I entrust it to all of my colleagues, my fellow students routinely carry out community service, try this activity based on anti-corruption. I invite students to participate in eradicating corruption", Firli said in a written statement, Thursday, September 22.
During KKN, continued Firli, the community is considered to be able to enter the community to the village government. So, they can spread anti-corruption values.
Moreover, currently, there are hundreds of village heads who have been jailed for corruption. Firli asked the students to be critical and find out why corrupt practices continue to occur, especially at the village level.
"At the village (level, red) alone there are more than 686 village heads who have been jailed for corruption, are your fellow students critical of this? What is this, what is the mistake", he said.
Firli said the KPK had actually conducted a study on why many village heads were corrupt. There are several reasons, among them because they are not able to prepare a budget.
"We examined it turns out that village heads do not have the ability to prepare village budgets, do not have the ability to supervise and be accountable for village budgets. Students younger siblings must criticize this", said the former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, asked students to carry out KKN in the village, to form an anti-corruption village.
"Try your Tridharma, come to a Real Work Lecture, how to make a village that is anti-corruption, come to BUMD to be anti-corruption, come to service to be anti-corruption. That's service", said Ghufron.
In the context of the Tridharma of research, Ghufron appealed to students to carry out studies related to eradicating corruption. KPK promised to help students research corruption issues, both data, and other access.
"We hope you initiate, things are more creative, there is no anti-corruption KKN, try talking to your institution for follow-up. How can you do KKN to villages, sub-districts, companies, internships, to fix the system so that it is anti-corruption", said Ghufron.
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Ghufron added, before carrying out anti-corruption KKN, students can take part in anti-corruption briefings conducted by the KPK, through the Integrity Builder Expert (API) and Anti-Corruption Counselor (PAKSI) programs.
"Corruption is a shared burden and responsibility because it involves behavior and culture, which was built by parents, the environment, the school, including you. Don't shout anti-corruption, if you want to get an A, give something to the lecturer. It's not anti-corruption", he concluded.
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