TANGERANG - PT Plastik Injection Indonesia's plastic warehouse in the Curug Industrial Estate, Tangerang Regency caught fire as a result of being struck by lightning on Monday night, September 19.

Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division at the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Tangerang Regency, Abdul Munir, said that the current condition of the burning warehouse is still being handled by firefighters.

"From the information obtained, the fire occurred because the building was struck by lightning during the rain this afternoon," Munir said when confirmed, Monday, September 19.

Munir said the lightning hit the factory which was flammable so that the fire broke out quickly.

"Adding flammable materials makes the fire grow and devoured the warehouse building," explained Munir.

The Tangerang Regency BPBD deployed 2 fire engines to extinguish the fire. Munir emphasized that there were no casualties for the fire incident.

"Currently it is still in the process of extinguishing the fire and the situation is still red. However, there are no casualties or injuries," he said.

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