KALSEL - The Food Crops and Horticulture Protection Center (BPTPH) of South Kalimantan Province informed that thousands of hectares of rice farming land that were attacked by the taro virus to the growth of rice stunted, were still able to be harvested.
Head of BPTPH South Kalimantan H Abdul Mujib said that the rice land in South Kalimantan which was attacked by the Tungro virus had an area of 3,140.2 hectares.
The handling of the rice field is carried out so that it does not spread since the period a few months ago.
Although in handling it, he said, not all rice can be restored, its growth to normal, but the last monitoring of thousands of hectares can still be harvested.
In fact, said Abdul Mujib, an area of 165.8 hectares of severe disease category is still bearing fruit, can be harvested, but the results are estimated to be only around 15-20 percent of the normal harvest.
"This is because after farmers found out that their plants were exposed to tungro, were no longer cared for, until many wild plants grew, finally it was difficult to harvest," he explained.
in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Antara, Friday, September 16.
Plants that have been harvested are 495 hectares, then 735.8 hectares have been controlled which are also ready to be harvested.
Abdul Mujib said the area of rice land attacked by tungro was around 1.23 percent of the total area of rice farming land in 13 regencies/cities in this province, namely, 358,235 hectares.
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