KALBAR - The General Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Ketapang Regency found that as many as 14 village heads were suspected of being administrators or members of political parties (political parties).

"This is based on the results of the terror and tracking of information or data obtained from the Ketapang Regency Community Empowerment and Village Government Office," said the Coordinator of the Supervision and Inter-Institutional Relations Division of the Ketapang Bawaslu Institution Ronny Irawan in Ketapang, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), Friday, September 16.

Ronny explained that Bawaslu also found as many as 22 village secretarys and 37 hamlet heads suspected of being members or political party administrators.

Then, there were 88 human resources from the Family Hope Program, two of whom were suspected of being members of a political party.

"Against this finding, we will forward it to the Ketapang KPU in the form of suggestions for improvement or recommendations. The KPU is expected to follow up according to the provisions and authorities at the political party verification stage," he said.

"This is important to observe because of regulations, both in the form of laws and ministry regulations, including regulating restrictions or prohibitions on the involvement of these parties in political parties," he added.

Ronny added that the supervision of the verification stage for political parties participating in the 2024 General Election is still ongoing.

"So, Bawaslu sees the need to convey several specific things related to the results of supervision," he said.

According to him, according to the election stage, the current focus of supervision in general is still around administrative verification of meeting the requirements for membership of political parties. While the process is running, Bawaslu Ketapang has also begun to tighten the requirements for managing political parties in the local area.

"The initial data source was of course sourced from the results of downloads, comorbidities and analysis of data as well as documents for the management of political parties contained in the Sipol KPU application," he said.

However, to enrich the scope of information for the purposes of supervision, the Ketapang Bawaslu has coordinated and written to a number of parties to obtain information and supporting data.

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