JAKARTA The commotion of mass demonstrations to increase fuel oil (BBM) at the Horse Statue, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 12, began with a misunderstanding between groups of demonstrators. This was conveyed directly by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin after monitoring the scene.

"If we monitor, there is a miscommunication (miscommunication). Because earlier on one other road, precisely in Merdeka Barat, there is one alliance that expresses its opinion in public, but it seems to be considered disturbing by the group next to PA 212, so that there is offense," explained Komarudin, Monday, September 12.

The police chief also explained that the mass actions involved in the dispute amounted to approximately 40 people and the origin was not yet known.

"Approximately 40 people. We also haven't monitored where they came from, because there is no notification at all," said Komarudin.

Although it is reported that one person was arrested by the police, Komarudin has not confirmed that one person has been arrested due to the tension.

"We are currently trying to detect it. Including the group, we separate it, so please convey our aspirations. But of course we respect each other, that's all," he said.

It is known that so far there have been several groups that have voiced their views on locations related to several issues, ranging from the Confederation of All-Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI) which voiced about fuel and the rejection of Omnibuslaw since 11.00 WIB, and then disbanded at around 13.30 WIB shortly after the mass of the GNPR arrived.

The second mass of the National People's Defenders Movement (GNPR) is thought to consist of the 212 Alumni Association (PA 212), and the Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI), as well as a group of UI alumni, who came around 13.20 WIB, carrying a number of banners and posters to voice their demands against fuel price adjustments.

After that, hundreds of students from the Ib Khaldun Bogor campus came again at 15.50 WIB who also voiced the rejection of fuel adjustments.

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