TANGERANG - The rain that has been pouring down Tangerang City since yesterday afternoon has caused several areas to be flooded. One of them are Ciledug Indah 1 and 2.

Local resident Nanda said the water had started to rise in his area since Saturday, September 10, at 23.00 WIB. The height in front of his house is about 40 centimeters.

However, the water level in each Neighborhood Association (RT) varies, starting from 30-60 centimeters. A total of 15 RTs were flooded

"Rain since the afternoon, the flood has started at 11 pm, 40 centimeters in front of the house, if one is submerged in this complex. So there are 15 RTs," Nanda said when met at the location, Sunday, September 11.

"The car was moved since evening, on the side of the road, which is higher," he continued.

Meanwhile, for roads in his area, he suspects that vehicles cannot pass because they reach a height of 50-60 centimeters.

Untuk di jalan raya masih belum bisa dilewat, 50-60 sentimeter. Kayanya belum bisa dilewati kendaraan. kalau motor kecil menyerang, katanya.

Recently, the water gradually receded. Even the height is only 20 centimeters. This happens because of the rain that no longer pours and the provision of suction equipment in the complex.

"It's from the pump, that's from the government. Now it's 20 centimeters, now it's starting to recede," he concluded.

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