JAKARTA - The Lampung Regional Police took firm action by dishonoring (PTDH) against Aipda Rudi Suryanto, a member of the Way Pengubuan Police, Central Lampung Police, Lampung.
Strict action in the form of PTDH against Aipda Rudi Suryanto related to the murder incident a few days ago against a fellow police officer named Aipda Ahmad Karnaen who also served at the local police station.
"Based on the results of the decision of the National Police's code of ethics commission on Thursday morning, Aipda Rudi Suryanto was carried out by PTDH," said Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police Kombes Zahwani Pandra Arsyad in South Lampung, Antara, Friday, September 9.
The implementation of the code of ethics trial was held at the Central Lampung Police, led by the Head of Propam Kombes M. Syarhan.
During the trial, Aipda Rudi Suryanto was accompanied by a defender of Kompol Zulkarnain by presenting 28 witnesses, both from the police and civilians.
The person concerned, he said, was proven to have committed a violation in accordance with Article 13 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation Number 1 of 2003 concerning the Dismissal of Police Members, Article 5 paragraph (1) letter b Perpol No. 7/2022, Article 8 letter c Perpol No. 7/2022, and Article 13 letter m Perpol No. 7/2022 concerning the Professional Code and the Police Code of Ethics Commission.
In the code of ethics trial, continued Pandra, Aipda Rudi Suryanto accepted the decision and did not file an appeal. "The person concerned accepted," he said again.
The code of ethics trial was attended by AKBP Jumadi Sembiring and Deputy Chief of the Central Lampung Police Kompol Poelong Arya Sidhanu. The trial starts at 09.30 to 23.30 WIB.
Previously, a police officer at the Way Pengubuan Police with the rank of Aipda AK died while in front of his house, Bandar Jaya Barat Village, Terbanggi Besar District, Central Lampung, Sunday, September 4.
Aipda AK, who is a Bhabinkamtibmas of Putra Lempuyang Village, Way Pangubuan, Central Lampung, was allegedly shot by fellow police officers with the rank of Aipda RS.
Aipda RS itself is a Head of SPKT at the Way Pengubuan Police, Central Lampung Police.
The incident was noticed by local witnesses when they heard gunshots and screams for help on Sunday night.
In this incident, the victim was rushed to Harapan Bunda Hospital. However, the victim could not be helped. Within about 3 hours, the shooting incident was revealed, then the perpetrator was arrested by Tekab 308.
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